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Is Fullerton Service League of Boys affiliated with National Charity League or any other service organization?


Several of our founding members were active in the Fullerton chapter of National Charity League, a mother-daughter volunteer group, and they wanted to offer their sons the same kinds of hands-on service opportunities. However, Fullerton S.L.O.B.s is an entirely independent organization, which has allowed us to tailor our program to the unique character and needs of our community. 


Why the name S.L.O.B.s?


The acronym was coined in 2004, when some parents in Connecticut (who had also participated in National Charity League) partnered with the local high school to launch the New Canaan Service League of Boys. We are the third club (all independent) to model our program on the one created in New Canaan. We like the name S.L.O.B.s because it is easy to remember and also because our boys are not afraid to get dusty and dirty in the name of service - it was not by accident that we chose a dark color for our club T-shirts! Our official name remains Fullerton Service League of Boys, however.


My son is really busy, and I work full-time. Will we really be able to fit this into our schedule?


Yes! Our meetings will be infrequent and mostly held on Sunday afternoons. We will offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities throughout the year, including over the summer. 


Will philanthropy events require attendance by both the boys and their adult mentors?


Usually, no. However, a few philanthropies will only allow boys to participate if a parent (or other adult) is in attendance. 


Can I split my requirements (service and meetings) with another adult, such as my spouse?


No. However, a boy's adult mentor can be changed from year-to-year. It's important to the organization to have a single point-of-contact as the responsible adult for each boy.

How will we know when there are volunteer opportunities, and how will we sign up?


Volunteer opportunities will be announced via email and also posted via our hours tracking system, Track it Forward.


How will we report our volunteer hours?


Parents and sons will enter their hours via Track it Forward. Each member is given a unique login for the Track it Forward system and are responsible for logging their own hours. Members who have questions about their hours or tracking can contact the VP Hours & Awards.

If I have more than one boy in the organization, do we get a reduced rate?


Sorry, but no. We have kept our dues as low as possible to cover our operating expenses, and it doesn’t cost us any less if boys are from the same family. However, one parent can be the adult mentor for multiple sons without taking on any extra club responsibilities.


Will there be a reduced membership rate for returning members?


At the end of our first year, we will review our finances and determine whether we can discount any memberships.


Is there any financial assistance available?


Yes! We don’t want any boy to miss out on the opportunity to serve his community. If the dues will cause your family financial hardship, please contact our VP Membership in confidence.

What kinds of leadership opportunities are available?


After the first year of membership, boys who demonstrate a commitment to the organization will have the opportunity to serve on the Boys Leadership Council, which is a companion to the Executive Board, or in another leadership capacity. First year and continuing members also have the option to serve as Volunteer Coordinators, acting as liaisons between S.L.O.B.s and a local philanthropy.


Will my son receive any special recognition if he completes more than the minimum hours?


At the end of the service year (in April), awards will be given to every boy who has performed twenty-five or more hours of volunteer work.

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